Ok, so it's been a long time since I've written on this blog. What a great summer! It's been hot, but nice. July was nice, I did a lot of bike riding, and had a lot of time to just ponder as I rode up beautiful canyons, up mountain roads, etc. I've determined that life is just too short. I waste too much time watching T.V., or doing things that won't really help me progress in life! Nicole challenged our family to spend 30 minutes a day just pondering and meditating. It's really nice. No TV, no stereo, etc, just quite time. We'll see how it goes. So far, so good.
In August I was able to ride the Ulcer with my brother and Scott Van Orden. It's 107 miles around Utah lake. We were really enjoying things until I ran over a huge rock and flatted my tire at 55 miles. As I was fixing my tire, another cyclist came by and told me to, "get off the road!" I WAS off the road. So needless to say, I wanted to throw my helmet at him and watch him tumble. I didn't, however--I refrained, and I didn't even curse him. I didn't pump up my tire enough, however, so after 75 miles I was beat and my legs were cramping, so I had to stop a few times and only got in at 5:53, but it was fun. Kerry wanted me to do the Desperado 109 miler two weeks later, and I wasn't too tempted. He is getting very strong. In fact, he did the first 80 miles in 3 and a half hours, and then his tire blew at 87 miles, and took him 35 minutes to find another tire and fix it, and he STILL got 5 hours and 34 minutes! He keeps putting us in the same sentence. He says things like "We're really getting faster Kyle, I think we may be able to do under 5 hours." I say, "Kerry, I'm not as fast as you!" Then he says, "Yeah, yeah, whatever." It's now down to basically us two that ride because the others don't want to ride with him. Maybe I should form my own club and call it FASER "Fat And Slow Easy Riders".
This year has been great, as I've been more cognizant of how much better my day is when I treat people nice. I've been able to keep relatively anger free for the most part, except for customer service reps! So, it's been a great experience.
In August I was able to ride the Ulcer with my brother and Scott Van Orden. It's 107 miles around Utah lake. We were really enjoying things until I ran over a huge rock and flatted my tire at 55 miles. As I was fixing my tire, another cyclist came by and told me to, "get off the road!" I WAS off the road. So needless to say, I wanted to throw my helmet at him and watch him tumble. I didn't, however--I refrained, and I didn't even curse him. I didn't pump up my tire enough, however, so after 75 miles I was beat and my legs were cramping, so I had to stop a few times and only got in at 5:53, but it was fun. Kerry wanted me to do the Desperado 109 miler two weeks later, and I wasn't too tempted. He is getting very strong. In fact, he did the first 80 miles in 3 and a half hours, and then his tire blew at 87 miles, and took him 35 minutes to find another tire and fix it, and he STILL got 5 hours and 34 minutes! He keeps putting us in the same sentence. He says things like "We're really getting faster Kyle, I think we may be able to do under 5 hours." I say, "Kerry, I'm not as fast as you!" Then he says, "Yeah, yeah, whatever." It's now down to basically us two that ride because the others don't want to ride with him. Maybe I should form my own club and call it FASER "Fat And Slow Easy Riders".
This year has been great, as I've been more cognizant of how much better my day is when I treat people nice. I've been able to keep relatively anger free for the most part, except for customer service reps! So, it's been a great experience.
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