Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 15, 2011 - 68th Day

Today it only feels like Chinese people are playing ping pong with my head, so at least that's a step in the right direction.  When I woke up this morning, I went into the kitchen and it looked like someone had been in a fight with the raspberry jam container.  I mean, there was jam everywhere.  Nicole and I usually make the boys sandwiches, but since I was sick, Hunter decided to make his own.  You would have thought he was 5!  There was jam on the counter, jam on the floor, jam on the door handle, jam on the other counter, jam on the refrigerator shelf.  I think he was trying to make sure I never had him make his own sandwich again.  I couldn't even get mad, I just started laughing.  It was too comical to get mad.  I wish I would have taken pictures, because I know some of you think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.  One good thing about being sick, it's very easy to stay nice to people when everyone is bending over backwards to make you feel better.   My wife brought me some of her dinner from Panda Express, then she brought me a treat from the "Trek Kickoff" meeting.  Then she went to the store and bought me some Nyquil, which allowed me to sleep like a baby.  By the way, why do they have that expression, "Sleep like a baby".  Babies constantly wake up crying during the night.  I think they should change it to "Sleep like a hibernating bear", or "Sleep like a possum".  Things I learned today, 1st, Hunter is to jam what babies are to chocolate cake with frosting, 2nd, Panda Express when sick is awesome.  3rd, Nyquil allows me to sleep like a hibernating bear.   4th, When you're sick, it feels like time is in slow motion.  I've now been sick for 3 years!   

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