Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23rd, 14th Day

Today was another great day.  I had another big sale, and a group of Metals companies said they had decided on our product.  I celebrated with the family by taking them out to Olive Garden to eat.  We were nice to the waitress, and she was nice to us.  We then went to the tabernacle and listened to Brody Perry's group sing.  They were good, but not as good as Nicole (I'm not even a little bit biased).  Then Nicole and I went shopping, and we came home and read a Christmas story and talked with the kids.  I decided to not eat so much candy, even though people keep bringing it by the truckload.  It was another day where it wasn't hard to be nice to people.  People were nice to me, and it's always easier to be nice to someone when they're nice to you.  Things I learned today, 1st, it's fun to sneak around and buy your family gifts that they are not expecting.  2nd, Logan is really working on getting six pack abs.  I told him that if he had six-pack abs like Hunter's by Valentine's Day I'd give him a $100.  He is doing box jumps, running, and eating less.  He only ate one bread stick at Olive Garden! (I didn't even know that was possible)   3rd, Harvest Company bread is delicious! (The Wade's brought us some for Christmas).  4th, Nicole calls today Christmas Adam (because Adam came before Eve, get it).  5th, I can't wait until tomorrow, not only is it Christmas Eve, but I get to go on a bike ride (it stopped raining finally).  

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