Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday, December 28th and 29th - 19 and 20th Days

Tuesday and Wednesday were both great days.  Nicole had to get up at 4:00 in the morning to take Amber to the Airport so she could go visit her boyfriend in Texas.  I told her not to die while driving down there, and she didn't.  She's always been a very obedient wife.  Tuesday was great, work was easy, and people were nice, and Kerry and I got to ride to and from work on our bikes.  No one shot at me, ran me over, or cursed at me, so it was pretty easy to stay nice.   OH, exciting news, Bishop Walker found out that his daughter didn't actually have a miscarriage and lose the twins!  In fact, she went back up to Idaho, and the doctors did an ultra-sound and found two heartbeats!  So, he was excited, and so was his daughter and her husband.  I think it was truly a miracle.  On Wednesday, I woke up in a cold sweat because I dreamed that Hunter and I were driving down the road and the road was washed out and we drove into a raging river.  I was able to get out, but Hunter didn't, and he died.  It was terrible!  I woke up and had to slap myself a few times to make sure it was just a dream (note to self, don't slap so hard).  That night Nicole, Kaylee, Logan and I went to the gym again.  I learned my lesson and stayed away from Logan while he was working out.  It was much easier to eat eclairs while lifting the two pound barbells and watching T.V. then it was to work out with Logan!  Things I learned the last two days, 1st, Miracles still happen, even if we don't have Moses parting the red sea, we still have miracles.  2nd, If you're going to drive into a raging river, unbuckle your seat belt before the car flips upside down and you can't figure out which way the door is.  3rd, Don't slap yourself while holding your toothbrush (just kidding, I didn't really do that, but I imagine it would hurt).  4th, I get to go to Debbie and Brian's for dinner tomorrow and I'm excited.  It still should be easy to keep my streak intact because they're very nice people (unless of course Debbie decides to cook Liver and onions). 

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