Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thursday, December 30th - 21st Day

Last night I had a dream, and my sister-in-law tried to force me to make crepes at my daughter's softball game.  I told her I wanted to watch my girls play softball, and she said, "No, you're going to make crepes."  At this point I got mad at her and screamed, "I'm not going to make crepes!"  I woke up and realized I had been screaming at her, but hey, I was dreaming!.  Maybe my dreams will be where I express frustration.  I'll be like a super hero, nice in the day, and dastardly at night! The day was great though, and then at night we went to Debbie and Brian's for dinner.  Kerry and Kim, and Mike and Kelly were also there.  Debbie made us a fantastic dinner with brisket, rolls, mashed potatoes, and beans.  Then, we played games and talked.  It was really a nice night.  We even got Mike Anderson to play the games, and he's not a game player.  It was quite fun to watch him play the game "Moods", where you have to determine what mood people are trying to express.  Tomorrow is New Year's eve, and we're off work!  Things I learned today, 1st, Dreams are great!  You can fight (sometimes I can even Kung fu fight), run around in your underware at work without anyone even noticing,  fly without an airplane (one of my favorites), and even be a super hero! 2nd, Debbie's brisket rocks! 3rd, I'd rather have friends then no friends, and I'd rather have good friends then bad friends, and I have the best friends, so that's even better.  4th, If you're playing moods with Mike and Brian, you'll be sure to have one mood down pat - laughter!

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