Friday, January 14, 2011

January 13, 2011 - 35th Day

Thursday was a good day.  I was able to go get a new phone, and not get mad at anyone!  Kerry and I went into Alltel to order our new phones before the company switches to AT & T.  Of course, we upgraded and spent more money on "smart" phones.  Why is it that the phones they let you upgrade to for free always look like they came out of one of those gumball machines, and the ones that are "only" $200 look like you can program the space station with them?  Of course, I opted for the "Droid", which can not only program the space station, but I think it can effectively communicate with extraterrestrials.  I can even have an "app" that allows me to walk into any store and scan the barcode and it can look up the price for me!  How cool is that!  Ok, I admit that little feature sold me.  I can just see me at the store.  My wife will say, "Hmmmm, I wonder if we can afford that paisley tablecloth."  I'll quickly whip out my new "Droid", scan the item, and say, "Nope, it says it's $42.95."  Of course, it can also work to my advantage.  "Hey Nicole, look at this Blue Ray disc player.  My phone says it's on sale for $132.00.  I think we can afford that!"   I'm a little worried if Amber gets married though, my Droid scanner just might have to accidently break before I start to scan, otherwise I may have a heart attack, and that wouldn't be good.  Once we ordered our phones, it was back to work at the zombie factory, then home for a burrito and off to the gym.  (Note to self, don't eat a burrito right before you go to the gym).   Things I learned today, 1st, The telephone companies are not dumb.  Make the free phones cheap looking with no features, and make the "Cool" phones as affordable as an Expedition engine.  2nd, Scanning with my new Droid is going to be like showering in warm chocolate (I like chocolate-a lot). 3rd, Eating a burrito then going directly to the gym is kind of like getting on a roller coaster after eating a chili dog--let's just say I wouldn't recommend it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

funny, silly. I love you.