Friday, January 28, 2011

January 27th, 2011, 49th Day

Thursday was another great day!  I was nice to everyone, and everyone was nice to me!  It's amazing how if I change my attitude toward people, they seem to change their attitude toward me (of course, Mr. Burton probably read my blog and was depressed the entire day!).  I went shopping in the middle of the day because i was bored and I got caught!  Kelly Anderson was shopping at TJ Max in the middle of the day, and she said, "You better be nice to everyone".  Now, it appears, I have spies keeping me in line, so I better be extra careful, and extra nice.  Today was kind of a lazy day.  We rented the movie "Red" and we didn't even start the movie until 9:30.  My back has been hurting for some reason, so I had to lay in bed on a heating pad.  I think I'm just getting old.  Instead of being one of those 70 year olds that rides a 100 mile bike ride, like I envision, I'm probably going to be one of those old guys who sits on the couch, eating ice cream and yelling at the TV.  However, most of the time I still feel like I'm 30, so maybe when I'm 70 I'll feel like I'm 55.   The wedding planning is going good.  Watching Nicole and Amber plan this wedding is like watching a well oiled machine.  I just step back and watch the machine do it's thing!  However, then I check the Credit Card bill and think, "Maybe it's not so much a well oiled machine, as it is a well oiled printing press!"   Actually, they're doing things very economically.   They both know I can't get mad, though, so it probably makes it a little easier on them.  They say, "Hey Dad, we saved $400 on the photography! Now we have more to spend!"   Here is what I hear, "Hey Dad, we spent $1,600 on photography!"  No, just kidding, it's fun to watch them have fun, and it doesn't do any good to stress anyway, that would be like stressing that you have to put on your underware (you're going to have to do it anyway, so why stress)    Things I learned today, 1st, Kelly shops at TJ Max at 2:00 in the afternoon, either that, or she was following me to make sure I was being nice. 2nd, Having a bad back is no fun, it's like crawling through an ant hill in your underware (there, I used underware twice in one blog!) after you've been dipped in honey!  3rd, Planning a wedding is much more fun when Nicole is your wife, just let her go--  She's like the Energizer Bunny! 

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