Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 16th and 17th, 2011 - 38th and 39th Day

Sunday schedule again.  Got up at 6:00 and went to meetings, but got home at 2:00!  I was pretty excited.  Things went well at church.  Amber and Mitch got to tell everyone they were engaged, and everyone was happy.  Then I was in charge of the Bishopric discussion and I talked on miracles, and Hunter's birth.  I always have trouble talking about his birth without crying, and it was no different this time, I cried like a two year old who just got his "Stretch Armstrong" taken away (for those of you who don't know what a Stretch Armstrong is, you're missing out).  Then, Hunter and I made cookies (chocolate ones, with milk chocolate and peanut butter chips), and took them around to our next door neighbor, the Wades, and the Weavers (sorry to everyone else, I was trying to make enough cookies to give to everyone in the area, but then I ran out of ingredients).   We stayed at the Weaver's until 11:00, and I helped them eat most of their cookies (I'm doing my best to fluff the fat).  

Monday was super hectic.  Work was crazy, and we had to start calling around to get things scheduled for the wedding and reception.  I now realize I'm in the wrong business, I should have been in anything connected to weddings!  For some reason, if someone knows you're having a wedding, they times all their prices by 10.  For example, you can get a descent photographer to take pictures of your family for two hours for about $250, if you ask that same photographer to do the wedding--that will be $2,500 please!  What the hey hoo!  You can buy a nice prom dress on sale for $100 to $200, go to the same shop for a wedding dress, that would be $1,000 to $2,000 please.  "OH, you want shoes with that, that will be another $250!"  So, basically I'm going to have to sell the island that I bought when I didn't buy the new engine, and even at that, I'll still have to sell one kidney and maybe give blood for a year or so.  Things I learned, 1st, Mitch and Amber are very happy.  2nd, You can ruin a stretch armstrong if you pull his arms off with a pair of pliers (even if the commercials say he's indestructible), 3rd, mine and Hunter's chocolate cookies rock.  4th, I decided to pay for a reception for Amber rather than buy a BMW 6 series (OK, BMW's aren't that expensive, so it's hardly a fair comparison).  5th, I've decided to become a wedding photographer and just work three days a month.  Wish me luck!     

1 comment:

Soccer Mom said...

Work three days a month?!?!?!? YOU WOULD TRIPLE YOUR INCOME! Let's do it!!!