Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 7th, 2011 - 29th Day

And on the 29th day, Kyle got mad.  Yes, I made it 28 days, but today I lost my temper.  In my defense, how is it possible to not get mad at a Qwest phone installer!  Here's the scoop.  We had asked Qwest to transfer our phones on Friday morning, and we told them that it was very important our company not be off line for very long due to the fact we have a lot of customers from around the world calling in, and that we are a customer service company.  They assured us there wouldn't be a problem, and that we'd be the first in line and our phones would be moved between 8 and 10.    They told us they couldn't even transfer our phones to a cell phone until Friday morning, but if we called in early there would be no problem.  Well, we got in on Friday and our phones were shut off!  We called them and they said, "Oh, we shut them off early."  We said, "OK, please transfer our company phones to our cell phones."  They said, "Sorry, we can't do that now you're phones are shut off".  We said, "What the hey hoo?!"  Well, we did keep our cool, because they said that we were actually second in line.  When 11:00 rolled around, I got a little flustered (but I must say I kept myself remarkably calm up to this point) and called Qwest.  They said they'd have a service guy call me.  About 10 minutes later Dave, a technician, called and said, "I won't be there for a few more hours, I called one of the cell phone numbers you gave me, and when no one picked up, I left a message, and then since you didn't pick up, I did some other jobs first."  At that point, I raised my voice and said, "Whoooooooo!  Did you just tell me you put other people in front of us, and we've been down for over three hours?  Now I'm mad!"  I told him I was going to call corporate (which I did), and he promised he would be there very soon, and he was finishing up the job he was on.  We finally saw him about 1:15, after I'm sure he took a nice lunch at IN and Out and laughed heartedly while eating his double-double with cheese fries!   When he arrived at our place, he told us he was sorry he was late, but he had an important install!  At that point, I punched him in the face and pulled out all of his hair! (No, I didn't really do that, but this is a blog, and I can express what I wanted to do).  I know that's not very Christlike, so I had to repent at night, but I seriously felt like doing the flying dutchman on him!  The rest of the day went great though, no throwing chairs down the stairs, no yelling at Qwest people, just lots of heavy moving.  So, by the end of the day my back felt like I was an 80 year old parachute jumper (Imagine here how sore an 80 year old parachute jumper would be after landing!).  We then went out to a wonderful dinner with my parents and Kim and Kerry to Outback, and we were even nice to the waitress, even though she was not the best waitress.  Things I learned today, 1st, Qwest has the best customer service in the world - NOT!  2nd, They say you don't ever feel better after you scream at someone - NOT TRUE (especially if that person is a Qwest technician).  3rd, Outback ribs and chicken help sooth a lot of pain.  4th, I will be better tomorrow and not yell at anyone, I promise (unless Dave the technician knocks on my door, then I may do something like this:


Planet Ultra said...

You're entitled, so this one doesn't count. It's IMPOSSIBLE not to get mad at phone, cable and directv personnel.

Soccer Mom said...

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyle didn't even tell the whole story!! There was more.
I was frustrated all day and kept saying "I'm not keeping a blog about trying to not get mad at anyone for 365 days, so I'm just going to be mad and frustrated!!!!!!!!"
The other part of the day is that the office they moved into used to be "individual office spaces" meaning that each of the rooms was being rented by a different individual. They all knew they needed to be out by WEDNESDAY. All complied but one guy. He runs security systems. He decided to NOT move out and so when we got there to move Kerry into that office the door was not only locked, but his door was hooked up to... wait for it... A SECURITY SYSTEM where it would notify the cops if we broke in. Then he decided to leave town. He then decided to NOT ANSWER HIS PHONE when the landlord tried to call him 100 times!! We finally DID break into his office, somehow we disabled the alarm that started going off. The guys office was packed full of SO much stuff.
Who just decides to not move his office when he KNOWS that there is someone who will be moving into it? THEN leaves town? THEN just decides to not answer his phone?
The landlord finally got a hold of him after a few hours and told him he needed to be out on Saturday....
Yeah, we'll see if that happens.
So Kyle also had that going on.
Kyle really was keeping his mouth pretty much shut about this guy, but the Qwest phone thing just was too much (and I don't blame him!!)